Meet Houdini


This little girl right here.... she OWNS my heart (well as far as my chickens go).  March of 2019 started my chicken journey.  We went to our local feed store in Sherman, TX (Orscheln's) and purchased NINE chicks.  This little toot escaped the brooder EVERY TIME I OPENED IT!!! I quickly named her Houdini.  Yes.... I know.... Harry Houdini was a man..... but I call her "Hou" or "Nini" for short.  Little did I know she would steal my heart.  She runs to me when I call her name, she loves cuddles and sunbathing with me.  She knocks on our back door when she needs to come inside and lay an egg (Don't judge me).  When I began to think of what my farm name would be... I HAD to incorporate my favorite girl.... so, SHE was my inspiration for "Peachy Chick Farm".  Houdini is a rotten girl.... she makes her way into my house and is an avid COUNTER SURFER.  She gets up there and looks for goodies.  The only scare I have had was when she ATE HALF OF THE ONION HAM DIP one day.  Raw onions are TOXIC for Chickens so of course I was super worried about my girl.  She is alive and well today (Thank God).  Until next time.... Love, Peachy N Me. 
